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Discovery of the Metric System Theory

In Ancient History there was a major problem, there was no defined unit of measurement the first possible to take on this problem were the Egyptians but most likely inherited the knowledge, they tried everything from the Pharaoh’s foot to his elbow even different fruits and stones nothing was exactly the same size that will last to test of time.

Distance and Area

Then they noticed a Droplet of water always remained the same size on any water resistant surface. They measured this with a string and wrote it down and called it The Royal Finger. Today we know this measurement as a Centimeter (cm).

After now have a solid unit of measurement they needed a larger unit of measurement to save time. Since they noticed they had 10 fingers and 10 toes they saw they can use it as a numbering system, they noticed if you create a 10x10 block you would get 100.

They decided to use this and put together ten Royal fingers together and call the The Royal Hand. Today we know it as the Decimeter (dm).

Now this was a great way to measure things but they still had room for a bigger unit an put 10 Royal Hands together and got what they called The Royal Leg. Today we know this as the Meter (m).

The Meter intrigued them and they began exploring with it so they made a circle with the diameter of 1 meter. The Egyptians noticed when they measured the circumference of this circle it gave them 3.14 meters. We know this as Pi.


They also noticed if you cut this circumference into 6 pieces they got the measurement of 52.36 cm they wrote this down.

Next they started exploring 3D objects but still wanted to use the units they have discovered and created a 10x10x10 box. They realized this would give them 1000 cubic centimeters. They now searched for a unit of measurement they can use for weight. They got this box and filled it with water and wrote down its weight in water. In todays world it is widely known as a Kilogram (kg).

After, they knew more can be accomplished with this discovery so they decided to put a 10 cm Sphere inside of the box filled with water. When it was removed they realized that only 476.4 cubic cm remained and 523.6 cubic cm was removed from the box or 52.36%. The Egyptians discovered Volume.

The Royal Cubit

With this the Egyptians created one of the greatest measuring tools ever discovered The Royal Cubit which measures 52.36 cm in length to assist with volume, along with markings for cm, dm, 1/2 m for distance.

This is the origins of the Cubit Structures name

Many more discoveries were made by the Egyptians from the 3,4,5, Triangle, Addition Sequence, Concrete, Screw Pump, Magnifying Glass and many more.

All this information in thoroughly explained in a great eye opening and controversial Documentary called

“The Great Pyramid K 2019”

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